Jeannie Fulbright Press


distractions faith family homeschool homeschooling Inspiration motherhood spiritual practice

I read a great quote that said, “If Satan can’t tempt us with destruction, he’ll tempt us with distraction.” How true for the homeschool mom! Our enemy tempts us to veer off God’s perfect path by distracting us with a plethora of “good” things: things that seem beneficial, that seem profitable, even necessary. Things that may even have the appearance of godliness, but in reality are just distractions. We have all been given a specific course, a path to pursue in both walking with God and in accomplishing His will for us. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus […]

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discipling faith family Inspiration jericho motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Today our Bible study focused on Joshua. During the study I was compelled to consider, “What is my Jericho and who are the Canaanites I must overcome in order to win Jericho?” It was only seconds later that I knew in my heart my Jericho—my promised land—the journey I’m on and the place I hope to reach is a home surrounded by godly adult children. I desire that all my children become adults who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, earnest in their relationship with God, and passionate about the things of God. I long for them to fulfill their […]

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Commit Thy Works Unto the Lord

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. Proverbs 16:3 I read this today and was deeply moved. It often seems the Christian walk is a battle waged in our thought life. At least mine is. Perhaps normal people don’t think as much or as tediously as I do. “Is my heart right? What are my motives in this activity? Am I in God’s will? Are we on the right track? Is this God’s plan for us? What does God want for my child? Am I where I’m supposed to be spiritually?” On and on the […]

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discipling faith family healing Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

I want to share my story of healing in hopes that someone who needs a touch from God will read it and be encouraged in the truth that God is not only able to heal, He’s willing: Today, April 6th, is a landmark day for me. I was just given the definitive answer about whether or not I have been completely healed of thyroid cancer. It all began about eight years ago in San Diego when I became pregnant with my third child. I was referred to a specialist because of my history with miscarriages. The specialist had a particular […]

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A Christian Worldview

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice worldview

People kick around the word “worldview” a lot. I remember when I first began hearing about it. I wondered, “What does that mean?” After a bit, I could give you a definition based on context. Yet, I really couldn’t give you a strong meaning. Since then, the Lord has revealed a lot more about this thing called worldview. I’m so thankful because the more I ponder what I’ve learned, the more excited I get about it. I would like to share with you a little bit about having a Christian worldview.  The foundation for one’s worldview has to do with […]

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