Jeannie Fulbright Press — fear
Say Goodbye to Fear
discipling encouragement faith fear Inspiration motherhood spiritual practice
There are times when I’m going about my day feeling pretty good about life, then without warning, a negative thought presents itself. Maybe it’s a memory of something I did wrong in the past, or a memory of something someone else did that hurt me; maybe it’s a thought about some horrible future event I hope never happens; maybe it’s concerning an issue I’m dealing with currently. The thought comes, and I focus on it for a moment—just long enough to cause my heart to tremble—then my thoughts move on. Though they’ve moved on, my heart remains in a tremble. […]
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Do You Want to Quit Homeschooling?
faith fear homeschool Homeschooling quitting homeschool raising children with God
I recently ran into a sweet, godly homeschooling mother. She hesitantly shared with me that she may not be homeschooling her oldest through high school; instead she was considering private school. I could tell she was nervous to tell me, but I reassured her I didn’t judge her decision; after all, if God guides you to put your child in school, He has a reason for it. This caused her to stop and ponder. She admitted she wasn’t sure if God was guiding her to do it. Her reasons for quitting homeschooling had more to do with fear, confusion, feelings […]
The post Do You Want to Quit Homeschooling? appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.
Fear vs. Faith
discipling faith family fear Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
I once went to a seminar on fear and learned some really amazing things about fear vs. faith. I’d like to share one thing I learned because I believe so many homeschool moms make choices out of fear. Here is what I learned: Fear is the opposite of faith, but it is actually similar to faith. You “believe” the fear, much the same way that you should rather believe God. Therefore, fear is an expression of faith. You have faith in the thing you fear, rather than in the truth. Here’s an example of fear in homeschooling: You fear that you […]
The post Fear vs. Faith appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.