Jeannie Fulbright Press — college planning

College Prep: Paying for College

college planning College Prep financing college homeschool Homeschooling

Although we need to discuss transcripts, college essays, and some other important college admissions items, I want to jump ahead to this post, College Prep: Paying for College, because this topic is a concern for so many. If you are worried about paying for college, be aware that there are many ways to make it affordable. Talent Trap In an attempt to fund college, some parents focus on their child’s talent in hopes it will earn him a scholarship. There are several issues with this, the first being that the child may not want to play baseball or piano or […]

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College Prep: Portfolios

college admission college planning College Portfolio College Prep homeschool Homeschooling portfolio

Years ago, when homeschooling was new, colleges required personal interviews and thick portfolios outlining every detail of the homeschooled student’s high school coursework and experiences. Now that homeschooling is more mainstream, portfolios are no longer requested or required. However, in this post, College Prep: Portfolios, I’ll explain why they are still a good idea. Here are the three reasons your child should consider keeping a portfolio: Colleges might have some questions about a course or two on your child’s transcript. For example, they may want more information about the biology course your child took. If you have a well organized portfolio, […]

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College Prep: CLEP or Not?

CLEP college credit college planning College Prep homeschool Homeschooling

CLEP has become quite popular in the homeschool community. You may be wondering, “What is CLEP?” Should I consider it for my child? In this post, College Prep: CLEP or Not? I’ll share the upside and downside of CLEP in college admissions. CLEP is a test created by the College Board to assess college level knowledge of a subject. It’s called the College Level Examination Program. Essentially, if your child knows a subject well enough to pass the test, he can earn college credit for that subject. When is CLEP a good option? If your child is highly motivated and eager […]

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College Prep: Dual Enrollment

college credit college planning College Prep dual enrollment homeschool Homeschooling motherhood

Now it’s time to talk about College Prep: Dual Enrollment. But what exactly is dual enrollment? It’s when a high school student takes college courses while in high school. The student is enrolled in both high school and college at the same time and the classes count for both high school and college credit. Dual enrollment puts your child’s transcript through the rigor test that colleges use to evaluate the difficulty of high school work. It beefs up the high school transcript and lends credibility to your child’s homeschool GPA. Dual enrollment also gives your child a head start on […]

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College Prep: AP Anyone?

AP credit college admission college credit college planning College Prep homeschool Homeschooling

In this post College Prep: AP Anyone? I’m giving away one of the secrets to wooing those admissions counselors and luring in an acceptance letter from the college of your child’s dreams. For academic hopefuls, the junior year matters. Time to spit shine that transcript! My daughter never took an AP class until her senior year. In 11th grade, she was still planning to be a professional ballerina. College wasn’t even on the radar. Thus, she crammed four AP classes into her senior year (two were taken online). It would have been easier for her to do two her junior year […]

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