Jeannie Fulbright Press — family
How to Homeschool Part 1: Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool
charlotte mason faith family homeschool Homeschooling jeannie fulbright motherhood
The thought of homeschooling can seem overwhelming at first. But like everything, if you take it one day at a time, you’ll find the reward far outweighs the sacrifice. In fact, you’ll discover homeschooling was not a sacrifice at all, but an investment. An investment in your family, your children’s character, and your life. Is it hard? Sometimes (especially if you have a tendency to overdo things.) But now that I’m on the other side, I can say it was well worth it. If you are considering homeschooling and looking for some specific reasons to take the plunge, consider my top […]
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Rest for the Journey
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
Fulfilling the call to homeschool requires rest for the journey. It demands more than we are capable of producing in our own strength. We must depend on God for stamina and one another for motivation to keep travailing this path. It’s so important that we surround ourselves with encouragement. Do you receive encouragement on a daily basis? If not, ask the Lord to bring it to you. I hope you know that what you are doing as a homeschool mom is nothing short of amazing. It’s an incredible feat that requires supernatural enablement to complete. We need to position ourselves […]
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Homeschool Methodologies
Charlotte Mason encouragement family homeschool Homeschooling jeannie fulbright methods
There are several philosophies and methodologies that homeschoolers use when educating their children. Some people choose one and follow it all the way through, others mix and match depending on what they want to accomplish, still others begin with one then change their methodologies as the years wear on and they begin to understand more about their family and philosophies. In this post, I will describe some of the most common homeschool methodologies used by families today. Classical Classical homeschoolers follow the Classical Greek model of the Trivium. They divide learning into three stages based on an average child’s cognitive […]
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The Lord Will Fulfill His Purposes for Our Children
faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
A new chapter in my homeschooling journey began a few years back. This is a stage you also will encounter in time. I’ll call it the season of the college road trip. The funny thing is, I thought I had this all figured out when my daughter was younger, just entering high school. I had decided where and how my child would complete college. It was all mapped out. What I didn’t bargain for was the fact that my child would be an adult-like 17 year old, capable of making her own decisions about college—decisions that were quite unlike those […]
The post The Lord Will Fulfill His Purposes for Our Children appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.
A Powerful Prayer Life
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
How often have you found yourself sitting down to have a quiet moment of prayer and before a few minutes are up, your mind is totally focused on a completely different topic? This wandering mind syndrome overtakes us all at times and is the most common obstacle to a powerful prayer life. It has the potential to keep us a “Prayer Warrior Wannabe” for our entire lives if we don’t institute change. How do we overcome this huge hurdle to our spiritual development? Believe it or not, there is an answer. By using a tool called a prayer journal, we can […]
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