Jeannie Fulbright Press — family

How to Have a Quiet Time

devotions discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood quiet time raising children with God spiritual practice

During the years I taught Bible study, I met many women who had never developed the habit of a daily quiet time. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to have a quiet time, it was that they simply didn’t know exactly how. They had tried to read their Bibles, but found it didn’t gel. They tried to develop a habitual prayer life, but found their minds wandered when they were praying so that they couldn’t really get through their list of prayers. Because many adults didn’t grow up in Christian families, they have never been taught how to have a […]

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Becoming Like Christ

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

There is no doubt I have a long way to go to be the person and mom I want to be. Instead of walking about with my own agenda, easily tripped up when minor or major infractions occur, I want to smile at every mistake and lovingly proclaim, “It’s okay darling, I’ve made many mistakes, too.” When I see others, I desire to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading about how I can bless them, with no thought of myself. I want to pray for everyone I see or think of. I so want to be like Christ. I long for […]

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Making Disciples – A Homeschool Mom’s Great Commission

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Like many of you, I spent years in women’s Bible studies, growing in my knowledge and understanding of the Lord and His Word. I’m so thankful for that time of spiritual growth, and was loath to give it up for the homeschooling years. One day, during my quiet time, God impressed a profound truth upon my heart. The Lord had grown me during that season of intense Bible study, not just for my own personal development, but to pass on these truths to my disciples. And disciples are what God has given me in my children and through homeschooling! What […]

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