Jeannie Fulbright Press — science
Apologia Science Audio Books
Apologia Science charlotte mason featured homeschool Homeschooling jeannie fulbright science
We all know that homeschooling is harder on some days than on others. When tears are flowing and the kids are slow as molasses, just getting through the three R’s can be a huge feat. We find ourselves letting everything else slide—you know, like science and history, or art and literature. It’s okay. It happens to everyone. But Apologia has a solution. The Apologia Science Audio Books for the Young Explorer Series are designed to make teaching science easy—when life isn’t. At the push of a button, science gets done. Not only do the audio books give mom the break […]
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Elementary Science
Apologia Science charlotte mason education homeschool science
The philosophy behind my elementary science series was born out of my early experiences with science and God’s amazing creation. Here’s how it all began. My father was a geologist who owned an oil company. When I was a child, he would take my brothers and me to the lease. I was always fascinated by the tall derrick that drilled miles and miles into the ground to tap into an ocean of oil deep under the earth. I would stand in complete awe, wishing I could fully understand what was happening, hungering for knowledge. When I got bored of watching […]
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How to Homeschool Part 2: Homeschool Methods
charlotte mason classical education homeschool homeschool methods Homeschooling science unschooling
There are various homeschool methods and philosophies people use when educating their children. Some choose one and follow it all the way through, while others mix and match depending on what they want to accomplish. Still, some homeschoolers begin with one then change their methodologies as the years wear on and they begin to understand more about their family and philosophies. Below are the most common homeschool methods used today. Classical Classical homeschoolers follow the classical Greek model of the trivium. They divide learning into three stages based on an average child’s cognitive development. Grammar stage children (K-5th) think concretely […]
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Immersion Science
Apologia Science Charlotte Mason creationism featured homeschool immersion science jeannie fulbright science Young Explorer Series
Many educators promote the spiral or survey approach to education, wherein a child is exposed over and over again to minute amounts of a variety of science topics. Those supporting these approaches aim to “expose” the child to science each year giving a bit more information than was given the year before. This method has been largely unsuccessful in public and private schools as the National Center for Education Statistics data indicates that eighth graders are consistently less than 50% proficient in science. There has to be a better way. And there is: immersion science. Educators assume the young child […]
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Micro vs. Macro Evolution
Apologia Science creationism evolution faith homeschool science
Our children have heard us say that evolution isn’t true, yet we often aren’t sure how to explain why or in what way it isn’t true. The simple concept of microevolution versus macroevolution is a great to place to begin helping our children understand this important and foundational topic. If you aren’t sure what the difference is yourself, read on. As the author of Apologia’s elementary creation science curriculum, I believe it’s crucial we are able to explain the truths and untruths of micro vs. macro evolution to our children. Evolution is not an evil word in itself. The word simply […]
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