Jeannie Fulbright Press — speaking


Charlotte Mason homeschool Homeschooling narration speaking writing

Narration is one of those treasures that, if done consistently, has potential for great reward. I believe it’s foundational to a successful homeschool education, reaping benefits far into the high school years. Here are some questions one homeschool mom asked about narration: My oldest is going into first grade and is reading probably at a second grade level. One of my goals this coming year is to establish the habit of narration. How should I schedule it? Should I pick a book (like Aesop’s fables) and have him narrate from it once a week? Or do I have him narrate […]

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Teach Them to Speak

homeschool Homeschooling planning speaking speech success

Teach Them to 'Speak

Statistics show that most people would rather jump from an airplane than speak in public. Even more astonishing, the fear of speaking is greater than the fear of death. Most Americans, and most people in the world for that matter, prefer death over speaking to a crowd! Only five percent are capable and willing to take the platform. Only five percent have the confidence to speak to an audience. So the questions remain: who are those five percent? Why are those five percent ready, willing, and able to take the platform? Who will those five percent be when our children […]

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