Jeannie Fulbright Press — raising children with God

How to Train Your Child’s Character – The Charlotte Mason Way!

character Character Training Charlotte Mason homeschool Homeschooling motherhood raising children with God

Training your child’s character can be likened to tending a garden. Nurturing to life the good character qualities you want to see grow and blossom. It’s about watching over what’s sprouting up and carefully cultivating that which will one day bear fruit. It requires tilling the soil and weeding out anything that is not fructiferous and fragrant and beautiful. Charlotte Mason considered character traits to be habits. Habits of thought and habits of deed. A mother’s role is to gently guide the child, like a guardian angel, into habits of gentleness, courtesy, candor, respect for others, and truthfulness. The work […]

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College Prep: Let Them Go

College Prep faith homeschool Homeschooling motherhood raising children with God

After reading the past posts, you now know everything you need to know to help your homeschooled child find the college of his dreams. Whew! It’s been quite a journey, but you’ve been faithful and you’re almost there. Now it’s time to let them go. Sending a child off to college can seem like a scary thing. We as moms know there are potholes out there and lots of problems to be tackled. We wonder if our child is fully prepared. We know him better than anyone—his strengths and his weaknesses. And it’s those weaknesses that keep us up at […]

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Encouraging Success in Your Children

encouragement homeschool Homeschooling Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

I often speak and write about nurturing our children’s gifts, talents, and passions—about encouraging their success. Homeschooling offers the unique opportunity to tailor our children’s education to their own personal bents. We don’t have to follow the standard scope and sequence designed for a typical student. The cookie-cutter mentality is often why students leave high school and college not knowing what they are going to do with their lives. They spend so much time focusing on that which is not their area of giftedness that they have no time to develop or even discover their true strengths and passions. As […]

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The Perfection Trap

faith homeschool Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

At times we fall into what I call the perfection trap, demanding more from our children than they are capable of giving. Our reactions to their misbehavior can be harsh, lacking in the mercy God has for us. When we constantly communicate frustration with our children’s imperfections, we fail to portray Christ to them. If we are forever irritated by their weaknesses, we miss the opportunity to show them the grace of God. Is not our Savior patient with us, bringing us to repentance? A loving response along with a heartfelt chat will do more for our children than the […]

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Pass on the Love

discipling faith homeschool Inspiration love motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Is it not the cry of our hearts to pass on the love we have for God to our children—to live out our faith in a way that models it for them? When I’m walking closely with the Lord, I’m full of joy and excitement. Spending time with Him makes me more aware of His presence, His delight in me, and His mercy toward my weaknesses. In turn, I’m more merciful toward others and myself. This is reflected in my tone of voice and the way in which I treat my husband and children. When speaking of spiritual things, I’m […]

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