The Perfection Trap

faith homeschool Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

At times we fall into what I call the perfection trap, demanding more from our children than they are capable of giving. Our reactions to their misbehavior can be harsh, lacking in the mercy God has for us. When we constantly communicate frustration with our children’s imperfections, we fail to portray Christ to them.

Perfection Trap

If we are forever irritated by their weaknesses, we miss the opportunity to show them the grace of God. Is not our Savior patient with us, bringing us to repentance? A loving response along with a heartfelt chat will do more for our children than the sternest of threats.

A positive word spoken inspires our children’s hearts while a negative word defeats their spirits. A gentle spirit propels them to persevere, but an angry countenance brings them shame and despair. 

When our children fail, let’s respond in a way that points them to the God of all grace.

Let’s help them know the One who unconditionally loves and forgives them—the One who is forever patient and kind. 

Lord Jesus, fill us with your Spirit today so we can reveal to our children the kind of love and patience You have for us.



The post The Perfection Trap appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.

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