Jeannie Fulbright Press — love

Pass on the Love

discipling faith homeschool Inspiration love motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Is it not the cry of our hearts to pass on the love we have for God to our children—to live out our faith in a way that models it for them? When I’m walking closely with the Lord, I’m full of joy and excitement. Spending time with Him makes me more aware of His presence, His delight in me, and His mercy toward my weaknesses. In turn, I’m more merciful toward others and myself. This is reflected in my tone of voice and the way in which I treat my husband and children. When speaking of spiritual things, I’m […]

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The Mark of Maturity

discipling faith family Inspiration love motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Jesus tells us, “Love the Lord your God” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Two commands. Both are to love. Yet, love seems to be a naturally occurring virtue, a quality we don’t often focus on, especially in our family. We tell our husband and children every day that we love them. It’s not something we even have to think about doing. We certainly don’t believe loving others is as difficult as having patience or self control. However, for Christians, love is the mark of maturity. But are we really loving others as God would have us love them? When […]

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They Will Know

discipling faith family Inspiration love motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

In Jesus’ day, people brought gifts to the priests as a way of showing God their gratitude and love. Today, our gift to God is our entire life. Romans 12:1 tells us to offer our bodies a living sacrifice to God. And Jesus has set before us the standard of love for others. Remember that song, “They will Know we are Christians by our Love?” I once had a falling out with someone. I really was fine with the whole thing. But the other person was not. Whenever I tried to pray and become intimate with God, I would feel […]

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It’s all about LOVE

discipling faith family Inspiration love motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

I’ve heard many, many commentaries on love and what Jesus meant when He told us to love one another. Years ago, I wholeheartedly agreed with the idea that love is a decision, not a feeling. The concept that love is expressed more out of choice than emotional sentiment made sense to me. I went along with that until…I got cancer. It was weird how it all happened. One day I found out I might have cancer. The doctors couldn’t tell for sure because the tumor was so small and the needle-like instrument didn’t reveal much. I was newly pregnant so […]

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