Jeannie Fulbright Press — essays
Evaluating Your Student’s Writing
essays evaluation homeschool Homeschooling writing
Though we want to encourage our younger children to enjoy writing by keeping our critique to a minimum, there comes a time when evaluating your student’s writing must take priority, especially for upper level students. Though evaluating creative writing and narratives is highly subjective, by following the guidelines of what is commonly known as the “six traits of writing,” you can effectively evaluate the content of your child’s writing assignments. Even if you find the writing uninteresting, you can still grade it objectively by using these guidelines. Also, if you find the topic and writing highly fascinating, you may be […]
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Writing in the Homeschool
composition essays homeschool Homeschooling writing
Academic writing is simple, really. Almost too simple. You’ll soon be saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?” The Composition Code is simply a formula for academic writing. It’s the easiest way to teach homeschool writing. It’s not used in many other kinds of writing, though as an attorney, my husband uses the format loosely when writing legal briefs. After you read this, you may be thinking, boring, boring, boring. Just remember, the point of academic writing is not to entertain but to prove your knowledge in an organized and concise manner. Yes, boring–but a producer of A’s. In fact, […]
The post Writing in the Homeschool appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.