
distractions faith family homeschool homeschooling Inspiration motherhood spiritual practice

I read a great quote that said, “If Satan can’t tempt us with destruction, he’ll tempt us with distraction.” How true for the homeschool mom! Our enemy tempts us to veer off God’s perfect path by distracting us with a plethora of “good” things: things that seem beneficial, that seem profitable, even necessary. Things that may even have the appearance of godliness, but in reality are just distractions.

We have all been given a specific course, a path to pursue in both walking with God and in accomplishing His will for us.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Like Paul, we need a single-minded focus to pursue the upward call of Christ Jesus:

Let us throw off everything that hinders us from running with perseverance the course marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1


What that path and call looks like is different for each homeschool mom, each child, and each family.

I believe one of the greatest distractions to fulfilling God’s plan for our homeschool is comparison.

We look at other families who seem to be successful and loving each other well and we feel discontent that our family isn’t as godly as theirs. We observe homeschool children in our support group thriving in ways ours aren’t and we’re thrown into a pit of fear and discouragement. We witness other homeschool moms with more energy and who are better organized and we battle self doubt.

This constant comparing is a distraction, robbing us of the vision we were so excited about when we began the homeschool journey. The enemy uses this to keep us from the the abundant and beautiful fruit God has for our lives and homeschool. 

Take a minute to think about the things that are distracting you right now. Is comparing one of them? What other things are stealing your focus, your energy, and the precious hours of your days? Spend some time in prayer, asking God to reveal to you the things that are distracting you from His purposes, His plans, and His perfect path for your life. 

Read on for more spiritual encouragement and inspiration. 

The post Distractions appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.

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