
discipling faith family Inspiration jericho motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Today our Bible study focused on Joshua. During the study I was compelled to consider, “What is my Jericho and who are the Canaanites I must overcome in order to win Jericho?” It was only seconds later that I knew in my heart my Jericho—my promised land—the journey I’m on and the place I hope to reach is a home surrounded by godly adult children.

I desire that all my children become adults who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, earnest in their relationship with God, and passionate about the things of God. I long for them to fulfill their God given calling—the work they were created to do—and marry godly people who have the same love and sensitivity to the Lord, and that together they become loving and wise spouses and parents.


That is my promised land. That is the family I pray surrounds me on my deathbed.

So who are the Canaanites that would like to lay claim to my land? Who are the usurpers that want to steal this land from my family? The culture. The morals. The enemies of God. Satan, of course. He would do this through music, through movies, through friends, through other adults and authorities that I thought I could trust (Satan is crafty and deceitful), through my lack of diligence or prayerlessness. These Canaanites will take every opportunity I allow them: every time I allow my child too much freedom and independence or too much unsupervised time.

But I know that, like Joshua, I must first believe. Believe that God does intend for us to reach our promised land. He desires it, as I do. Believe, then pray. Pray in faith that God will fight this battle. Pray for God to win this battle. Seek His direction concerning every detail of this battle. Then obey. And sometimes that obedience requires me to do some unpopular things.

Marching around a huge wall with a tooting trumpet probably looked pretty weird to those who would not have them win the city. Some of the things I feel God is telling us to do probably look absurd to others as well.

But only through obedience will the victory be won.

We must seek God, then follow Him. Oh PRAISE the LORD that we serve a God who will lead us if we trust Him to do it. He will show us the path to take.

And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: This is the way. Walk in it. Isaiah 30:21

So what is your Jericho? Surrender it to God and believe Him for it. Then ask Him to fight the battles as you follow His lead to the promised land.

Read on for more encouragement and inspiration. 

The post Jericho appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.

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