Jeannie Fulbright Press

Homeschool Planning

homeschool homeschool planning Homeschooling learning lesson plans planning

Homeschool planning was something I enjoyed. It helped me stay in touch with my children’s needs, goals, interests, personality, and learning style. I always took these things into account when writing and evaluating each child’s plan. My oldest was an independent learner and my youngest a self-starter. One was overcoming dyslexia and the other was average to above average in everything. Between the four, there were many things to consider when planning. The goal was always to challenge my children to move up a notch academically without discouraging their joy and love of learning. It was a delicate balance. I […]

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Why You Should Homeschool

faith Freedom homeschool Homeschooling learning planning raising children with God

Where to begin? There are so many reasons why you should homeschool, the first being the freedom it affords you children—freedom to pursue an individualized education and life path that enables them to be true to themself and mature into the person God created them to be.  Freedom Let’s begin with academic freedom. Sadly, our nation is falling behind the global market in the academic arena. The National Center for Educational Statistics shows a consistent downward trend beginning after fourth grade. American children are simply not making the grade. They graduate knowing less than 50% of the material they should know. […]

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Why Your Child Dislikes Writing

homeschool Homeschooling planning reluctant student writing

It can be rather discouraging for the homeschool mom when, after trying every method and motivation possible, a child simply refuses to write. If you’re in that boat, don’t despair! Many a homeschool mom has fought this battle and won, so you are not alone. There could be one of many reasons why your child dislikes writing. The encouraging thing to know is there are simple solutions to address and overcome each and every one of these obstacles. The first factor is that perhaps your child doesn’t like the physical mechanics of writing. Does he hold his pencil with an […]

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Transforming ACTS to FACTS

confession faith family Inspiration prayer spiritual practice thankfulness worship

Have you ever heard the acronym ACTS? It’s been around for a while and is a great way to remind us how we should pray. The ACTS acronym is an especially useful tool for corporate prayer. Here’s how it’s broken down: A is for Adoration (praising God) C is for Confession (confessing our sins to God) T is for Thanksgiving (giving thanks to God) S is for Supplication (bringing our requests to God)   However, a few years ago, I realized that one VERY important element was missing from this acronym. This element should actually come before all the others. […]

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discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice suffering

What is your biggest area of concern today? What worries you? What is the thing that has the potential to make you feel doomed, in despair, overwhelmed, or full of sorrow? I want to remind you right now that if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ this area of suffering is the place where God intends to show His glory and prove your faith genuine. He’s using it to develop a special area of ministry for you—to encourage other Christians who may be suffering in the same way. God will use this to draw you closer to Him […]

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