Jeannie Fulbright Press

Journal Writing

charlotte mason creative writing homeschool Homeschooling journaling writing

The benefits of journaling are countless. It was truly one of the best things we implemented into our homeschooling. Not only did my children enjoy journal writing, the time they put into journaling during the elementary years laid the foundation for academic writing in the middle and high school years. However, I did not allow my children to journal until they could spell some of the common words found in a typical journal entry. Charlotte Mason taught, and I believe, that children should not be allowed to write misspellings as it ingrains improper spelling into their minds. I think this is […]

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Phonics Intervention

homeschool Homeschooling intervention phonics reading saxon phonics spelling


Do you have a late elementary homeschooler still struggling to read or spell? Don’t despair! I have a solution that worked for me and it will work for you! It’s called Phonics Intervention strangely published by Saxon Publishers. Why do I say strangely? Because it just does not seem like a Saxon product. The author is a special education teacher who wrote the curriculum based on her need to find an effective way to teach her own struggling reader how to read. I can honestly say the program is very well done.  As many of you know, one child of mine […]

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Resurrect Your Dream

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

Do you hold a dream in your heart? Is there something you have always wanted to do, but just haven’t found time to do it? Is there some special desire that keeps creeping into your thoughts, something you perhaps shelved years ago? If so, it’s time to resurrect your dream. I believe God has given you that dream and wants you to seek Him for its fulfillment.  I’ve written a lot about our children having been created for a purpose; it’s something I feel strongly about. Yet I feel I should address the fact that YOU, also, have been given […]

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Our Personal Shepherd

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

I remember learning about all the names of God mentioned in Psalm 23. I was so touched by each one, but my favorite one to really ponder was Jehovah Rohi: The Lord is my Shepherd. What stood out to me then and does to this day is the word “my.”  The Lord is my Shepherd. And yours. He’s Our Personal Shepherd. A good shepherd knows his sheep by name and cares for each and every one of them. Like David, who fought lions to save one single sheep, God fights the enemy to save us from his evil clutches. And like the […]

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Who Better

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

who better than you

Who better to educate your children than the person who cares most about who they will be when they grow up? The one who is concerned not just with their academic achievement, but also their character? Who better to educate your children than the person who knows them fully, their every mood, every cue, every weakness, and every strength? Who better to educate your children than someone who would research and commit weeks to finding just the right tools to help them succeed?  Who better to educate your children than the person who refuses to move on until they understand fully? Who […]

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