Jeannie Fulbright Press — Homeschooling

Why You Should Homeschool

faith Freedom homeschool Homeschooling learning planning raising children with God

Where to begin? There are so many reasons why you should homeschool, the first being the freedom it affords you children—freedom to pursue an individualized education and life path that enables them to be true to themself and mature into the person God created them to be.  Freedom Let’s begin with academic freedom. Sadly, our nation is falling behind the global market in the academic arena. The National Center for Educational Statistics shows a consistent downward trend beginning after fourth grade. American children are simply not making the grade. They graduate knowing less than 50% of the material they should know. […]

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Why Your Child Dislikes Writing

homeschool Homeschooling planning reluctant student writing

It can be rather discouraging for the homeschool mom when, after trying every method and motivation possible, a child simply refuses to write. If you’re in that boat, don’t despair! Many a homeschool mom has fought this battle and won, so you are not alone. There could be one of many reasons why your child dislikes writing. The encouraging thing to know is there are simple solutions to address and overcome each and every one of these obstacles. The first factor is that perhaps your child doesn’t like the physical mechanics of writing. Does he hold his pencil with an […]

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distractions faith family homeschool homeschooling Inspiration motherhood spiritual practice

I read a great quote that said, “If Satan can’t tempt us with destruction, he’ll tempt us with distraction.” How true for the homeschool mom! Our enemy tempts us to veer off God’s perfect path by distracting us with a plethora of “good” things: things that seem beneficial, that seem profitable, even necessary. Things that may even have the appearance of godliness, but in reality are just distractions. We have all been given a specific course, a path to pursue in both walking with God and in accomplishing His will for us. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus […]

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Teach Them to Speak

homeschool Homeschooling planning speaking speech success

Teach Them to 'Speak

Statistics show that most people would rather jump from an airplane than speak in public. Even more astonishing, the fear of speaking is greater than the fear of death. Most Americans, and most people in the world for that matter, prefer death over speaking to a crowd! Only five percent are capable and willing to take the platform. Only five percent have the confidence to speak to an audience. So the questions remain: who are those five percent? Why are those five percent ready, willing, and able to take the platform? Who will those five percent be when our children […]

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Short Lessons for Homeschool Success

Charlotte Mason homeschool homeschool planning homeschooling learning lesson planning lesson plans

When it comes to passion for a child’s educational success, nothing rivals a homeschool mom. We diligently research the latest methodologies and put to test the newest curriculum. We devour books on education, creating sophisticated lessons based on newfangled ideas. Yet Charlotte Mason found amazing success using the age old, timeless and simple tool of short lessons. Lessons that span a mere 10 minutes. She advocated that short lessons not only train the child to pay attention, they increase the child’s retention of the material. And Charlotte Mason was right. Studies reveal the average human attention span when learning new […]

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