Jeannie Fulbright Press — Homeschooling
Encourage One Another Daily
discipling encouragement faith family homeschooling Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
It’s so important that we surround our lives with encouragement. God’s Word tells us that we need encouragement daily. Are you getting that dose of encouragement? Are your friends encouraging toward you? Do you listen to encouraging messages on the radio or the computer? Do you read encouraging blogs? Are you being encouraged in your walk with God? Do you belong to a small group that has committed to encourage one another daily? If not, you’re missing out on one of God’s gifts of grace. I think you’ll notice a big change in your life if you become proactive and […]
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Portraying God Accurately
discipling faith family Homeschooling Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
As homeschool moms we long for our children to know the love of God. We pray for them and teach them about God’s love but are we portraying God accurately in the way we relate to them throughout the day? If you have never seen the video, The Father’s Love Letter, it is worth watching. One comment in the Father’s Love Letter touches on the truth that some people misrepresent God. We don’t fully understand the love and affection of God. We see it as conditional—the way we love and have affection for others and ourselves. We have a […]
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Steps to Self Learning
character homeschool homeschool planning Homeschooling jeannie fulbright learning motherhood
Students who have developed a foundation of good character (no, not perfect children, but those who have a conscience about doing the right thing) and have gained personal responsibility for their education—with an eye set on the future—are prime candidates for self learning. The first step to moving toward self learning is to carefully select curricula that is well suited for self education. This means the course can be used by the student alone, once he has grasped how it should be done. You see, after your child has learned to read (a teacher is often needed full time for […]
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Self Learning in the Homeschool
charlotte mason homeschool Homeschooling learning motherhood
As the idea of self learning in the homeschool began to take hold, I was asked to share some practical tips on how to move your children into a self learning lifestyle. Let me begin by saying I feel the biggest problem we find in government and private schools is that the students are taught to be dependent upon someone else for their education. They are not given autonomy over their work. Students don’t feel responsible for their education because someone else spoon feeds them and checks to make sure the entire bite was swallowed. If it’s not, they are given […]
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Journal Writing
charlotte mason creative writing homeschool Homeschooling journaling writing
The benefits of journaling are countless. It was truly one of the best things we implemented into our homeschooling. Not only did my children enjoy journal writing, the time they put into journaling during the elementary years laid the foundation for academic writing in the middle and high school years. However, I did not allow my children to journal until they could spell some of the common words found in a typical journal entry. Charlotte Mason taught, and I believe, that children should not be allowed to write misspellings as it ingrains improper spelling into their minds. I think this is […]
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