Jeannie Fulbright Press
Writing in the Homeschool
composition essays homeschool Homeschooling writing
Academic writing is simple, really. Almost too simple. You’ll soon be saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?” The Composition Code is simply a formula for academic writing. It’s the easiest way to teach homeschool writing. It’s not used in many other kinds of writing, though as an attorney, my husband uses the format loosely when writing legal briefs. After you read this, you may be thinking, boring, boring, boring. Just remember, the point of academic writing is not to entertain but to prove your knowledge in an organized and concise manner. Yes, boring–but a producer of A’s. In fact, […]
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Academic Writing vs. Creative Writing
academic writing creative writing essay homeschool Homeschooling planning writing
One kind of writing—academic writing—is rigid and procedural. It’s purposed purely to convey knowledge, data, and information. It’s orderly, organized, and follows a formula. It’s necessary. It can be dull. Anyone can master it. Everyone should master it. The other kind of writing—creative writing—is inspired and artistic. It entertains with word pictures, concepts, and deep meaning. It’s enjoyable to read and touches us while teaching us. It’s an art form. It’s not necessary to learn, but a joy to those who do. Academic writing will earn you A’s; creative writing may get you published. Academic writing must be taught, but […]
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Teach Them to Write!
homeschool Homeschooling planning teaching writing
Practically every college professor complains about the dramatic decline in writing skills of college students. “If you teach them nothing else, please,” they implore, “Teach them to write!” Writing, or the pedagogy of writing, has been somewhat of a fixation of mine. You see, ever since I learned that my husband—who doesn’t have a writer’s heart—made straight A’s on all his college essays, while I—a passionate writer—didn’t enjoy such an experience, I’ve wondered about this thing called writing. Though I’ve always considered myself a writer, most of my teachers and professors didn’t view the methodical eloquence nor the originality and […]
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Do You Want to Quit Homeschooling?
faith fear homeschool Homeschooling quitting homeschool raising children with God
I recently ran into a sweet, godly homeschooling mother. She hesitantly shared with me that she may not be homeschooling her oldest through high school; instead she was considering private school. I could tell she was nervous to tell me, but I reassured her I didn’t judge her decision; after all, if God guides you to put your child in school, He has a reason for it. This caused her to stop and ponder. She admitted she wasn’t sure if God was guiding her to do it. Her reasons for quitting homeschooling had more to do with fear, confusion, feelings […]
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Connecting With God: In Worship
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice worship
I want to touch on praise and worship because I used to struggle so much with this and feel there may be some of you that struggle with it as well. Connecting with God in worship is a vital part of drawing close to God. Worshipping and praising God is not just a blessing for Him; it’s a powerful gift He has given to us. I believe it’s supernatural somehow. We see this in Scripture when the army of the Lord was able to defeat an enormous foe by simply sending out the worship team ahead of the soldiers.It may […]
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