Jeannie Fulbright Press — raising children with God
Portraying God Accurately
discipling faith family Homeschooling Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
As homeschool moms we long for our children to know the love of God. We pray for them and teach them about God’s love but are we portraying God accurately in the way we relate to them throughout the day? If you have never seen the video, The Father’s Love Letter, it is worth watching. One comment in the Father’s Love Letter touches on the truth that some people misrepresent God. We don’t fully understand the love and affection of God. We see it as conditional—the way we love and have affection for others and ourselves. We have a […]
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Keep the Testimony
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore. Psalm 132:12 The children of Israel didn’t keep the testimony—the witness—of all God had done for them for very long. And they found themselves in bondage. But here we read that if only they would have kept the testimony—repeating the miraculous works of God on their behalf to their children and their children’s children—they wouldn’t have lost leadership. All throughout the Bible, God tells the children of Israel not to forget, to build memorials to […]
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Teaching Character
character discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
Over the years I’ve been asked how we approached teaching character in our home. I’d love to share how we went about it because it was one of my most favorite aspects of homeschooling. Without question, the most important thing we did was begin our mornings with devotional and Bible reading, discussions about what we learned, and prayer. These morning moments were so valuable and some of the most precious memories of our homeschooling. They generally lasted from ten minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the topic and how deep we went with the subject matter. On […]
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Our Birthday Tradition
birthdays celebrations family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God tradition
Every family has traditions. Our birthday tradition is the one our children looked forward to every year, even as they got older. Let me begin by giving you the back story. When I was a young mom, my best friend, Heather, told me of a tradition her mom had established with her and her siblings. Every birthday morning Heather would go downstairs and find the kitchen decorated with streamers. This told her how special she was and she felt SO cherished all day. I had three little children at the time and found this to be a great idea. But […]
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You are Royalty
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
Did you know once you received Christ as your Savior and Lord you became a child of the King of all creation? It’s true! Think of what that means. You are now a princess. You are royalty! Now that we are royalty, we must have a total shift in how we think of ourselves. No longer are we insignificant. No longer do we need to strive for feelings of importance or value. We are already important, valuable, and significant. We don’t ever have to feel less than special, for we are supremely special as children of the King. How do […]
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