Jeannie Fulbright Press — raising children with God
Listen for His Voice
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: This is the way. Walk in it. Isaiah 30:21 Here we see a promise from God to His children. He will show us which way to go, what to do, and how to live each moment if we’ll listen for His voice. This is not just talking about the big decisions, like whether or not you should homeschool, where to live, or if you should sell your house and be a missionary in Africa. God has the ability—and not just the […]
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The Homeschool Journey
family homeschool Homeschooling motherhood raising children with God
I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many new homeschoolers that have just begun their homeschool journey. Most of them find homeschooling a delight. As they spend each day with their children, they begin to glimpse into the windows of their little hearts and see things they didn’t know were there—good things and not so good things. What is so precious about this is that we really do come to know our children the way God intended for us to know them. God did not set up schools where children would depart for hours from the very people to whom […]
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Easy Geography
charlotte mason faith geography homeschool Homeschooling lesson plans raising children with God
I want to share some of the things we did for geography in our homeschool. Our method was not only educational, it was easy, and it included incorporating inspiring living books into our geography studies. Each summer at the homeschool convention we scoped out the YWAM booth. We would purchase all the Heroes of the Faith missionary stories that took place in one single area or country (South America, China, Africa). I would then organize them chronologically. Before beginning the books, we’d do a one or two week unit on the country we had chosen. We’d make a little notebook […]
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Always be Ready
discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
We should always be ready to share the good news of the gospel. Sounds easy, yet so many Christians aren’t sure how to bridge the topic with unbelievers. Let’s say you’ve started a conversation about spiritual matters…what now? Well, when I took Evangelism Explosion—a course that required going out in teams and witnessing to people in airports, malls, and college campuses—I learned to share my testimony in a three minute spiel. My little speech began with how I felt before I was a Christian. For example, “I was lacking peace and joy and was looking for answers.” Then I shared […]
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Sharing the Good News
discipling faith family gospel Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
Why do we hesitate, when speaking with unbelievers, to share the good news of what Christ has done for mankind? I believe it’s because we fear rejection. We fear what others will think of us. If asked, we would emphatically say we’re not afraid of people rejecting us if they learn we’re a Christian. Yet we don’t explain the gospel. Why? Because we fear. Deep inside we fear not being well thought of. We fear being ridiculed, or being considered pushy or senseless or weird. We’re afraid we’ll fall over our words and look like an idiot. We […]
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