Listen for His Voice

discipling faith family Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice

And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: This is the way. Walk in it. Isaiah 30:21

Here we see a promise from God to His children. He will show us which way to go, what to do, and how to live each moment if we’ll listen for His voice. This is not just talking about the big decisions, like whether or not you should homeschool, where to live, or if you should sell your house and be a missionary in Africa. God has the ability—and not just the ability—but the desire to lead us in every decision we make. He wants us to be attentive to His still small whisper that tells us which path to take this very second.

I remember the first time I learned this. I had been a Christian several years and became close friends with a gal who had been a Christian since she could walk. We were in a spiritual friendship, and God was our main topic of conversation. She was younger than me but with a great deal more knowledge and maturity. Her name is Heather (and yes, my daughter bears her name).

My friend Heather loved to cook. She told me she had been at the store about to buy pineapples for this chutney she made every week. She was reaching for the can of pineapples when she sensed that still small voice telling her to buy a different can. It was so sudden and odd that she decided she would do it, though she was skeptical. She took the can home and opened it only to realize she had just purchased a can of pineapple chunks that were cut into the exact sized pieces she labored to cut her pineapples into every week.

Does God care about pineapple chunks? I think so. I know it’s hard to believe He would take the time to lead us in such small things, but He does. If God notices every detail about the anthill under the ground and what each ant’s job is, would he not so much more care about the details of your life? You are made in His image; you are the crown of His creation. He delights over you with singing. His Word says He is your counselor! God wants to lead you, and He promises that if you will listen, you will hear His command behind you showing you which way to walk—yes, even when you are picking cans off the shelf at the grocery store.

Would this same God not delight to show you which science curriculum to buy? Would He not love to tell you what to do about your child’s math struggles? Would He not give you instruction concerning how much time to spend on spelling? He would.

Listen for His voice. For we are His sheep.

Read on for more spiritual encouragement and inspiration. 

The post Listen for His Voice appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.

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