Jeannie Fulbright Press — homeschool

Memory Work in the Homeschool

charlotte mason homeschool Inspiration memory work

When I first began to homeschool, I read all about a classical and Charlotte Mason education. Soaking up every bit of teaching available, I became increasingly convinced of the merits of memory work. We launched into memory work full speed ahead, memorizing a variety of lists, from poetry to ancient Egyptian kings. My five year old performed the amazing feat of reciting all 43 presidents of the United States of America for our homeschool group’s annual presentations. I was so proud of her and anxiously began searching for the next miracle memory task. Providentially, a few years into this process, […]

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Character Training for All

character character formation character training homeschool Inspiration

One Easter, after sitting with my children in their fort and telling them the story of Christ, I watched as my oldest child hid resurrection eggs for her three younger siblings. Immediately, I was struck by the preciousness of the lives they live. The relationships they are forming will be a source of support and comfort to them their entire lives. We have seen many dear friends come and go, with relocation and other circumstances taking them from us. But the immediate family God has given us remains a constant. The joy our children derive from one another is in direct proportion to […]

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Choosing Curriculum

curriculum homeschool Homeschooling

For today’s homeschooler, the curriculum options for every subject are overwhelming. There is so much out there. So many good things to choose from. How do you decide what to use? I believe it boils down to your ultimate goals for your children. What do you want more than anything for your children? To be academic scholars or perhaps devoted Christians? Ideally it’s both, but one will take precedence over the other in each family. When I first began homeschooling, I would have vehemently answered that it was the latter—to be devoted Christians. But if you looked at my curriculum […]

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