Jeannie Fulbright Press — Charlotte Mason
Self Learning in the Homeschool
charlotte mason homeschool Homeschooling learning motherhood
As the idea of self learning in the homeschool began to take hold, I was asked to share some practical tips on how to move your children into a self learning lifestyle. Let me begin by saying I feel the biggest problem we find in government and private schools is that the students are taught to be dependent upon someone else for their education. They are not given autonomy over their work. Students don’t feel responsible for their education because someone else spoon feeds them and checks to make sure the entire bite was swallowed. If it’s not, they are given […]
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Journal Writing
charlotte mason creative writing homeschool Homeschooling journaling writing
The benefits of journaling are countless. It was truly one of the best things we implemented into our homeschooling. Not only did my children enjoy journal writing, the time they put into journaling during the elementary years laid the foundation for academic writing in the middle and high school years. However, I did not allow my children to journal until they could spell some of the common words found in a typical journal entry. Charlotte Mason taught, and I believe, that children should not be allowed to write misspellings as it ingrains improper spelling into their minds. I think this is […]
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Charlotte Mason homeschool Homeschooling narration speaking writing
Narration is one of those treasures that, if done consistently, has potential for great reward. I believe it’s foundational to a successful homeschool education, reaping benefits far into the high school years. Here are some questions one homeschool mom asked about narration: My oldest is going into first grade and is reading probably at a second grade level. One of my goals this coming year is to establish the habit of narration. How should I schedule it? Should I pick a book (like Aesop’s fables) and have him narrate from it once a week? Or do I have him narrate […]
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Why Notebooks?
Charlotte Mason homeschool learning lesson plans notebook notebooking planning
Over the years homeschool moms have asked, “Why notebooks?” And to that I would have to say creating and using notebooks was one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things we did in our homeschool. It honestly kept me afloat and from feeling discouraged or ineffective. In fact, notebooks even gave me a sense of accomplishment, a much needed sentiment in the ongoing homeschool journey. We usually used notebooks in place of worksheets, even when the curriculum provided them. Fill in the blank worksheets with word searches, matching games, and the like were unable to engage my children the way creating […]
The post Why Notebooks? appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.
Short Lessons for Homeschool Success
Charlotte Mason homeschool homeschool planning homeschooling learning lesson planning lesson plans
When it comes to passion for a child’s educational success, nothing rivals a homeschool mom. We diligently research the latest methodologies and put to test the newest curriculum. We devour books on education, creating sophisticated lessons based on newfangled ideas. Yet Charlotte Mason found amazing success using the age old, timeless and simple tool of short lessons. Lessons that span a mere 10 minutes. She advocated that short lessons not only train the child to pay attention, they increase the child’s retention of the material. And Charlotte Mason was right. Studies reveal the average human attention span when learning new […]
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