Jeannie Fulbright Press — Homeschooling
College Prep: 8th Grade Counts
college college admission college planning College Prep homeschool Homeschooling middle school
Jumping through hoops. Yep. That’s what it boils down to. Navigating the road from high school to college can be tough. You’ve been told it’s easy. You’ve been told it’s hard. You’ve been encouraged. You’ve been discouraged. You’ve been given information. You’ve been given misinformation. Well now it’s time for the truth. But let me warn you—next year the truth may change. Yes. The hoops change positions all the time. Sometimes hoops are taken down and replaced by other hoops. But here’s the good news: Getting your homeschooled child into college is not difficult—it just requires knowing what hoops to […]
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Encouraging Success in Your Children
encouragement homeschool Homeschooling Inspiration motherhood raising children with God spiritual practice
I often speak and write about nurturing our children’s gifts, talents, and passions—about encouraging their success. Homeschooling offers the unique opportunity to tailor our children’s education to their own personal bents. We don’t have to follow the standard scope and sequence designed for a typical student. The cookie-cutter mentality is often why students leave high school and college not knowing what they are going to do with their lives. They spend so much time focusing on that which is not their area of giftedness that they have no time to develop or even discover their true strengths and passions. As […]
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Spelling Solutions for Your Homeschool
Charlotte Mason homeschool homeschooling spelling
Some people leave the womb with a natural inclination toward spelling. For others, spelling is a lifelong struggle. I have children in both categories. With my natural spellers, I don’t think it mattered what curriculum I used. Spelling made sense to them. With my poor speller, who also struggled with dyslexia, well, let’s just say I spent a pretty penny searching for a solution. After years of trying everything under the sun, I fell upon a set of instructions in Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschool Series. I realized at that moment that the methods used in all the other curricula were […]
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Homeschool Methodologies
Charlotte Mason encouragement family homeschool Homeschooling jeannie fulbright methods
There are several philosophies and methodologies that homeschoolers use when educating their children. Some people choose one and follow it all the way through, others mix and match depending on what they want to accomplish, still others begin with one then change their methodologies as the years wear on and they begin to understand more about their family and philosophies. In this post, I will describe some of the most common homeschool methodologies used by families today. Classical Classical homeschoolers follow the Classical Greek model of the Trivium. They divide learning into three stages based on an average child’s cognitive […]
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Obstacles in Our Homeschool Path
faith homeschooling Inspiration raising children with God spiritual practice trials
When God calls us to something as immense and life transforming as homeschooling, we can be sure there will be many obstacles in our path. Whether it’s opposition from the non-homeschooling community, learning challenges with our children, character issues that surface, or the many fears, anxieties, and insecurities we find within ourselves, we can be sure we will come upon many boulders and rocks as we traverse the narrow path to which God has called us. It’s vital to keep in mind that, no matter how perfect someone else’s life appears to be, every homeschool family faces struggles and problems. […]
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