Jeannie Fulbright Press — Apologia Science

Elementary Science

Apologia Science charlotte mason education homeschool science

The philosophy behind my elementary science series was born out of my early experiences with science and God’s amazing creation. Here’s how it all began.  My father was a geologist who owned an oil company. When I was a child, he would take my brothers and me to the lease. I was always fascinated by the tall derrick that drilled miles and miles into the ground to tap into an ocean of oil deep under the earth. I would stand in complete awe, wishing I could fully understand what was happening, hungering for knowledge. When I got bored of watching […]

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Immersion Science

Apologia Science Charlotte Mason creationism featured homeschool immersion science jeannie fulbright science Young Explorer Series

Many educators promote the spiral or survey approach to education, wherein a child is exposed over and over again to minute amounts of a variety of science topics. Those supporting these approaches aim to “expose” the child to science each year giving a bit more information than was given the year before. This method has been largely unsuccessful in public and private schools as the National Center for Education Statistics data indicates that eighth graders are consistently less than 50% proficient in science. There has to be a better way. And there is: immersion science. Educators assume the young child […]

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Notebooking: Cultivating Creativity

Apologia Science Charlotte Mason creativity homeschool notebooking

We all know how important knowledge is, but what about creative expression? Could it be that creativity is the missing link between joy and learning? Albert Einstein said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” He believed creative expression to be an essential element of all academic fields of study—even science.  The question we must ask is: How can we engage our children’s creativity in order to increase their knowledge? There are many ways to do this, but an important element is the establishment of a student notebook. The notebook is an […]

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Micro vs. Macro Evolution

Apologia Science creationism evolution faith homeschool science

Our children have heard us say that evolution isn’t true, yet we often aren’t sure how to explain why or in what way it isn’t true. The simple concept of microevolution versus macroevolution is a great to place to begin helping our children understand this important and foundational topic. If you aren’t sure what the difference is yourself, read on. As the author of Apologia’s elementary creation science curriculum, I believe it’s crucial we are able to explain the truths and untruths of micro vs. macro evolution to our children. Evolution is not an evil word in itself. The word simply […]

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Young Earth Creationism

Apologia Science creation creationism homeschool science young earth

Were animals created thousands, even millions of years before man, hunting, devouring and destroying one another as they do now? Was there death on this earth before the fall of mankind? What is death? Death is when something with life dies. Does that mean plant death? No. God tells us in Leviticus and many other places that the life is in the blood of the creature. For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life.  So, death is when someone or something with blood in it dies. But, from where did death come? Therefore, […]

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