A few years back I was under tremendous stress. I kept asking God to help me complete all my tasks and give me guidance as I attempted to accomplish the lengthy list before me. I then felt this strong impression to read Psalm 46:10:
Be still and know that I am God.
What? I think you misunderstood. That’s not what I need right now. I need help getting things done!
Shortly after, I was able to discern what it was the Lord was trying to impress on my heart. I knew I needed to slow down, stop all the frantic planning and organizing, and allow the Lord to quiet my spirit—so I could be led by His spirit.
One of the most profound definitions for the Hebrew word for “still” (raphah) is “to be weak.” I usually ask for strength—not weakness—when I cry out to God. Yet if I choose to acknowledge my weakness, I position myself to receive His strength working in and through me. Yes. That makes perfect sense. For when I am weak then He can be strong in me.
Let’s choose to be still. Let’s release all our tasks, hopes, dreams, and expectations to the Lord, acknowledging our inability to fulfill them on our own. Jesus bids us to come to Him and allow Him to bear every burden we carry. After all, He can accomplish far more through our weakness than we can with all our meticulous planning and fervent energy.

The post Being Still appeared first on Jeannie Fulbright Press.